The OnlyFans OFTV App is a Cruel Joke to Creators
Hundreds of Thousands of NSFW Creators Built OnlyFans, which seeks to leave them in the dust

OnlyFans Commentary – OnlyFans OFTV App : Last Updated: August 17, 2021 Reading Time: 5 Minutes
Remember in the movie the Greatest Showman when PT Barnum (played excellently by Hugh Jackman) was down on his luck and decided the only real way to get ahead was to exploit those who were at the social edges of society? Those people who were outcasts and were considered ‘freaks’ by modern society ended up being the backbone of his wildly successful circus act. He then became a wealthy man from the efforts of these societal outcasts. At that point he dreamed for bigger and bigger things so he ended up hiring ‘The Swedish Nightingale’, Jenny Lind to travel the country with him and help him become ‘a legitimate showman’. In the movie the stars of his show at the time, the ‘outcasts’ came to watch this spectacle of Jenny Lind singing in a large concert hall which was attended only by those in the highest echelon of society. They were relegated to the equivalent of the bleacher seats and when the show ended the door to the back was closed on them where ‘good society’ people had gathered. Barnum was no longer in need of them as he had moved onto bigger and brighter things or so he thought.

When seeing OnlyFans ‘OFTV” App launch with publicity this week I could not think of a better analogy. The even sadder thing about the OFTV App launch is that the OnlyFans site itself is highly in need of an upgrade and highly buggy for it’s millions of users. Taking your eye off your main business model to go chase a dream of becoming ‘legitimate’ didn’t work for PT Barnum (His main building burned to the ground due to his loss of focus on his main business and if not for partnering with James Anthony Bailey, he would have certainly gone under). A bigger question is why are companies no longer built for the customers and now built and operated for ‘valuation’? OnlyFans is seeking a 1 billion dollar valuation and will do anything to get there. Can you imagine how much more value OnlyFans might have if it spent it’s revenue and profit on improving its core business? It currently is in a position enviable by every other company in the adult space. The last standard bearer of the soft core adult space Playboy and it’s founder Hugh Hefner may have slapped their logo onto everything from surfboards to bath towels but they never were ashamed of the brand and the image that they were building.
“There’s no adult content on OFTV. Because it’s not being monetized and there’s no direct impact on creators’ earnings, we are able to be in the app store.”
tim Stokely, BloombErg
This is also a slap in the face to the adult creators on the site who make it run. OnlyFans is constantly offering monetary prizes to musicians but none ever seem to go to the core NSWF creators on the site. Let’s be honest, OnlyFans is where it is at today because the hundreds of thousands of creators who gave the site millions in free advertising telling everyone they possibly could about the site. Their whole marketing has been driven by referrals from creators, they had no other marketing expense other than creating merchandise and keeping the site from crashing. They had an army of creators doing all their Marketing for them almost for free. So how do they thank these creators, by featuring them on their Instagram page with over 1 million followers? Nope. By Helping promote them on Twitter now that the site has become big? Nope.

How about listening to the backlash against celebrities like Bella Thorne who came onto the site as a ‘social experiment’ for a movie and caused a huge firestorm? That’s a Big Nope as well. Who do you think is a Flag Ship star on OFTV? You guessed it, Bella Thorne. I have no particular gripe with her but again it shows the exact lack of listening to anyone in what OnlyFans has obviously deemed ‘the outcasts’ of their business model.
I can understand why OnlyFans would want to do whatever it could to get into the App stores that they are banned from. It is another place where they can attract new customers to their brand. But what happens when OnlyFans doesn’t succeed at becoming the Fan Site Brand for Sports Stars, Musicians and Athletes? It will run right back to those who built it up in the first place with their own sweat and tears. They’ll say ‘We were with you all along’.
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Picture Credit: Vogue, The Greatest Showman All Rights Reserved to 20th Century Fox.
Pictures OFTV, Credit to OnlyFans.