10 OnlyFans New Year’s Resolutions for 2022
Here are my top OnlyFans New Year’s Resolutions of 2022 for OnlyFans Creators.

OnlyFans Success Guide – New Year’s Resolutions 2022 – Last Updated: January 1, 2022 Reading Time: 10 Minutes
Although most of us make New Year’s resolutions its pretty much a fact that most of them are discarded a few weeks into the year. The whole gym membership industry relies on people getting very excited about their health and fitness in the New Year and then forgetting about it a few months later. Well at the beginning of this year of 2022 I propose that you do your best to keep your New Years Resolutions and add a few more to the list in regards to your OnlyFans page. Here is my List of 10 OnlyFans New Years Resolutions you should work hard to keep this year.
1. Pick a New Niche to Explore
One way to keep your OnlyFans page interesting and yourself highly engaged in the process is to constantly be exploring new areas to make money from. A great way to do this is to explore new marketing niches as the New Year begins. As you may know a niche is a particular category or interest that has a good amount of consumers who are interested in buying it. Niches can include anything from what you choose to wear like bikinis or lingerie to how you present yourself to your customers from say a Hot Mom to Femme Fatale. If you have been working a particular angle or niche for a while it might be time to spice it up a bit. You can do this in two ways, you can either break down your niche further (Hot Wife and Mom, Bi Curious Hot Mom, Gothic Hot Mom) for example. You can also decide to branch out into a new category from say Hot Mom to Hot Wife). Typically I recommend keeping your niche somewhat similar to your previous niche as it is less likely to alienate your current subscribers. It also requires a lot less investment because you can use some of your older content for the new niche as well. If you have been working a while on a niche that doesn’t inspire you anymore than you can completely strike out on a brand new niche that will keep your interest. You also want to keep an eye out on ‘hot niches’ that may be gaining in popularity so that you can take advantage of timing. Either way make sure that your niche inspires you to create great content and promotions.
2. Reach out to as Many Fans on an Individual Basis as Possible
I know reaching out to a lot of fans is easier said than done and can often lead to issues with how much attention is too much. But if you are currently doing the bare minimum outreach to fans which a lot of OnlyFans creators are guilty of, then the New Year offers you an opportunity to really make a change. If you have been working on your OnlyFans page for a while you should be able to identify which buyers and subscribers are spending the most money on your page. These are the Fans you want to try to give your most attention to. Remember that money talks and if other fans who spend less see those who spend more getting a lot of attention they are more likely to step up the amount of money they are willing to give as well. I highly recommend making note of your top spenders each month for all to see and letting everyone know what those top spenders are getting as a bonus or a reward because of it. Reaching out to fans can be done individually or in a bulk way but make sure that however you decide to do it that it seems as individualized as possible. There are a lot of ways to reach lots of fans without everything seeming like a throwaway bulk message.

3. Explore a New Social Media Channel
Although it may seem like sites like TikTok are all that matters to fans in 2022, there are always going to be smaller niche sites emerging that will gain internet users attention. If you have been hesitant to get on TikTok in the past go ahead and learn how to make a TikTok Thirst Trap for OnlyFans this year. If you are killing it on Instagram and TikTok it might be a good time to start ramping up your presence on Twitter or Reddit. As I’ve always mentioned make sure that you never stretch your time and brand out too far when expanding. But keep in mind when you don’t expand you run the risk of not reaching all of the potential fans that you could. So in the New Year take a real look at where Internet activity is happening especially among your target demographic. Ask yourself if you are in all of the places that potential fans might be lurking especially new fans to your OnlyFans. Each year a whole new group of people turn 18 and can start subscribing to your OnlyFans, so you want to make sure you aren’t just on social networks used by older demographics. If you are doing well on more established Social Media channels use your time to start pages on less established Social Channels that have the potential to explode in traffic in the future.
4. Delve Deeper into your Stats
One area that is often neglected is the real raw data that statistics can provide you about your OnlyFans and Social Media traffic and interactions. No matter if you’ve had your OnlyFans page for all of 2021 or just started it you should take the time to look over your statistics and learn from them. A few of the key factors you should be paying attention to is where your OnlyFans traffic is coming from and what fans are spending the most money. Although OnlyFans limits you in what information you can learn from the site itself on a daily basis, if you pay close enough attention to your prime social media channels you will be able to see what traffic is going to your OnlyFans page itself. It can be a little bit of work to put all the pieces together from different sources but when you do you’ll have an advantage over other creators who are just aiming without knowing the target. Depending on how popular your page is you can turn to things like Google Trends to check your brand popularity and searches as well. When it comes to promoting yourself on sites like Reddit and Twitter you can and should pull the stats from each post that you put out onto those social channels to determine the effectiveness of your pictures and promotional message.
5. Make a Content Creator Friend
One great resolution for the New Year when it comes to OnlyFans is to look out for a new OnlyFans creator to befriend and network with. This doesn’t always have to be someone you can collaborate with in person. This can be someone who is in another country or state but you have similar content or interests and can help each other grow your pages. Typically it’s best to interact with someone who could possibly share a similar audience as yours so that you can both benefit. Although OnlyFans has limited how much you can share others content on your page there are still a lot of opportunities to share content on Social Media. When you get exposed to your OnlyFans friends audience and you expose them to yours its a win for both of you. It also is helpful to have someone to talk to who is going through the same work challenges as you are. This can help you stay motivated by being there for someone else and sharing helpful OnlyFans tips and tricks for success on the website. Making a friend or several creator friends on the platform can be really beneficial to both your incomes as well as making being an OnlyFans creator a lot more fun.

6. Re-invest Some of Your Profit into yourself
One positive of working for yourself is that you get to decide where your profit goes. One great way to improve upon your OnlyFans and your brand itself is to invest back into yourself. What I mean here is that some of your profit from OnlyFans should go back to the product you are producing either through improved photographic equipment, outfits, clothing or even just makeup or workout activities. Remember that you are your brand when it comes to OnlyFans which means the better you make yourself look to your fans the more money you will likely bring in in the New Year. So a good resolution is to look at the money you made in 2021 and determine if you used all of it wisely. Could you have invested more of your profits into improving your brand image or content? If the answer is yes than you need to commit to putting aside a certain amount for future growth and improvement. This money can be used to promote your OnlyFans page or improve your overall product. Throughout the year you should keep to the amount of money you have committed towards brand growth as well.
7. Work More Towards Creating Your Brand
As I’ve mentioned many times you are your brand when it comes to your OnlyFans page. You want to make sure that you are spending a good amount of time not just on selling people your OnlyFans page but in expanding your brand outside of OnlyFans itself. Remember that OnlyFans is the last stop of a marketing funnel that you have built. If the funnel is strong enough no matter whether OnlyFans continues to be popular or not you will continue to thrive. The best way to ensure this continued success is to build out your brand on multiple Social Media and Internet channels. So for the New Year you want to double down on your commitment to looking at ways to continue to expand your brand. The brand of you needs quality graphics and images just like major brands do as well as a consistent brand message. When you expand to different Social Media channels you want to bend your brand message towards that channel to maximize your effectiveness there, but make sure to not completely take away your brand message. You should have one or two images that you want to seer into your potential fans minds on each of your Social Media channels. The more time you spend on your brand the more likely you are to be successful on OnlyFans but also just successful overall in selling your content.
8. Learn a New Skill To Help With Your OnlyFans Promotion
If you have been working on your OnlyFans for a while you know that it requires you to do a lot of different tasks on a weekly and monthly basis. Some of these tasks you might find taxing and you might also be either ignoring or paying someone else to take care of the work for you. In the New Year you want to identify one of these tasks and learn the skills necessary to get it done yourself. This can mean taking some of the time you’ve allotted to other tasks and start to learn this new task. Some common tasks you might be putting off would be learning to do your own graphic design work, learning how to write effective ad copy, learning to talk more openly with fans and being less shy. There are a number of different areas you could begin to explore and it will really be determined on an individual basis what you need to start working on. If you’re not sure, write down all the tasks you do for your OnlyFans in a month and see if there are any that you are not giving a lot of attention to or are letting others do for you. This is the place you want to start improving on right away.

9. Get More Fan Feedback on Your Content
It can be hard sometimes to get fans to tell you what they really want but it is a key to making more money and finding success on OnlyFans. If you have been just posting whatever comes to mind and haven’t really engaged your fans with what they want to see this New Year is a great time to do it. You can easily find out what fans want by running polls on OnlyFans or on your most popular Social Media Channels. If you don’t want to get too broad with responses you should be able to reach out to your top fans and ask them what they most enjoy seeing as far as content and interaction from you. The New Year is a time where fans will be open to giving feedback especially if they have been subscribing to your OnlyFans page for a while. With this feedback you can then adjust what kind of content you plan on making in the New Year and you’ll know before you even make content that you’ll have a receptive audience ready to look and pay for it.
10. Double Down on Success and Fold Up the Areas that aren’t working
The New Year is a great time to take stock of what is working and what isn’t when it comes to your OnlyFans. As Kenny Rogers sings ‘Know when to hold’em, know when to fold’em and know when to walk away” in short it means that there are certain areas you are successful at that you should keep working on and others that it is time to sunset. For those areas that are most successful you can plan to double down on providing even more quality content to your fans. For other areas that you have been trying to make a success but just aren’t doing much it’s time to walk away from them. This could also mean a Social Media or Marketing Channel that you need to leave entirely or set to auto posting. You should do this if you have a limited amount of time and can’t see the Marketing Channel growing with the time you’re able to devote to it. It is better to double down on a Marketing Channel that is working and let the other Social Channel go on auto pilot as much as possible. Sadly most creators and business people will not take this advice because of the fear of sunk cost. Just accept that you wasted a bit of time on something and then walk away, it will save you a ton of time in the future and deep in your gut you will know what is worth holding onto as far as your time and effort is concerned.

New Year’s Resolutions
So there are some helpful suggestions on your New Years Resolutions for your OnlyFans business in 2022. It’s important at the beginning of the year to take stock of what has gone on in the previous year because it will help you become more effective and devote your time to that which is helping you make more money on the site. It’s always worth your time to do this even if it feels like you should be making that next piece of content or promoting instead. Overall the best use of your time at the beginning of the year is making sure that what you plan to do in 2022 will be effective and will help your OnlyFans page and your business grow even bigger.
If you are looking to have more success on OnlyFans you can read my Guide to OnlyFans Promotion as well as reach out to me directly @OnlyFansHero on Twitter or email [email protected].
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