TikTok OnlyFans Promotion Guide – The Ultimate Thirst Trap
TikTok is not OnlyFans Friendly but that doesn’t mean you can’t gain fans from it’s 1 Billion+ Users

OnlyFans Promotion Guides – OnlyFans TikTok Promotion : Last Updated: July 13, 2021 Reading Time: 12 Minutes
OnlyFans is too NSFW for TikTok but you can still promote yourself to the best of your ability on the platform and bring fans to your OnlyFans profile by indirect means. Not everyone on TikTok is a celebrity or wants to make viral or clever videos non stop on the platform. For many OnlyFans creators they are used to Instagram where they can post pictures set to the exact right angles and lighting. As we’ve talked about on The OnlyFans Secrets Podcast though, Instagram is not setup ideally for OnlyFans promotion. TikTok also is not setup for NSFW content as it is an all ages platform and also does not want anyone leaving TikTok and going onto any other sites or apps. It is always key to learn the rules of any platform you plan to devote any of your time to. This article is intended to help anyone on OnlyFans have a Profile on TikTok that they can work into their marketing plan without devoting hours of time to it each week trying to go ‘viral’. The goal of your ‘OnlyFans Tiktok” profile should be to create a ‘thirst trap’ that people will want to follow just to see more of what you are doing even if it isn’t salacious material.
For this article I reached out to an OnlyFans creator I felt had a really good hold of the concept of creating a thirst trap with her Tiktok named XO Electra (Check out her TikTok here). For those not familiar a ‘thirst trap’ according to dictionary.com is:
thirst trap [ thurst-trap ] nounSlang.(on the internet) a social media post, especially a selfie or other photo, intended to elicit sexual attention, appreciation of one’s attractiveness, or other positive feedback (often used attributively): Did you see those thirst trap photos of her post-baby body?Her Instagram account is a thirst trap of foster kittens and rescue puppies.
Thirst Trap Definition, Dictionary.com
In the case of your TikTok Profile it needs to be a Thirst Trap while also maintaining the rules of Tik Tok itself. Before we start let’s make sure we know what those rules are:
Adult nudity and sexual activities- We do not allow nudity, pornography, or sexually explicit content on our platform. We also prohibit content depicting or supporting non-consensual sexual acts, the sharing of non-consensual intimate imagery, and adult sexual solicitation.
TikTOk Community Guidelines
So in essence, don’t ever post anything you’d casually post on NSFW Twitter, Reddit or on your OnlyFans page and not expect to be flagged or kicked off TikTok completely. The advice I’m going to give is to help you stay away from such bans but keep in mind that you are likely going to be on the edge of them when creating a thirst trap profile, so do your best not to fall all the way off. Like with all Social Media platforms they are randomly selective, so you could see something on Tik Tok like the ‘Stiff Sock Podcast‘ which openly has sexually suggestive content in it’s titles and content never get banned.

You likely don’t have the clout of a page like Stiff Socks Pod on Tiktok with it’s 1.4 million followers so you will have to be a little smarter about what you post. Which leads us back to the creator we reached out to XOElectra. She has given me permission (all be it with some Free Promos on Twitter @onlyfanshero) to show all the good things she is doing to create the ultimate thirst trap profile for her OnlyFans while not breaking the rules of the site and getting herself kicked off the platform.
So How Do you Build a TikTok OnlyFans Profile?
The first thing to remember about your TikTok profile is that it needs to be partly about your life and be a reflection of what is going on in it. This is similar to what happens on Instagram but since you intend for everyone to see what you are posting as well there needs to be a plan and a bit of ‘play acting going on in it”. First let’s look at XOElectra’s Main Profile for what she is doing right.

Tiktok OnlyFans Profile Optimization
TikTok Username – So right from the start XO Electra sets up her profile correctly by giving it a name starting with an X. This might seem like a small thing but the letter X will always symbolize something dirty because of it’s history with the XXX and X ratings of movies. Tik Tok can’t ban you from using X to start your profile name either, so this is the first wink and nod technique she is using.
Profile Picture – The picture at the top of her profile might be small but it is showing quite a lot of entrapment for those who are attracted to a woman like her. She also frames her picture vertically which I also talked about recently when discussing how to situate your banner correctly to maximize conversions on your OnlyFans subscription page. This creates no distortion and allows for her face and cleavage to be clearly seen. Remember that her picture is right on the edge here and it’s impossible to see if she is wearing a bikini, a bra or just a bright shirt. This is important because this is not going to trigger anything on Tiktok as far as censors are concerned.
Bio Information – In the world of business you would call taking someone from one page to an eventual destination of your choice, building a funnel. XO Electra creates a great funnel here, or you could even describe it as a maze where there is only one out or one place for the mouse (your potential customer) to get the cheese (your OnlyFans content). In her profile she lets people know she won’t be answering DM’s there and to go find her Instagram, at her instagram will be a link and that link will take them to her OnlyFans page. Here is the funnel you want to build from your TikTok Page keeping in mind what the limits are on each platform (Tiktok bans OnlyFans link mentions, Instagram prefers linktree or other page with all your fansite links on it).
She also includes a not so obvious wink and not to ‘Top %’ which lets people know she does have an OnlyFans link and she is one of the top creators on the platform. Whether you are brand new to OnlyFans or not you can utilize this technique.
What to Post on Your Thirst Trap TikTok
So I imagine you’re thinking that all sounds great but what the heck do I post on my TikTok? XOElectra understands that she doesn’t need to really post anything but what a potential buyer on the site wants to see. So take everything you would do on OnlyFans possibly in a less than clothed situation and repeat it on TikTok just with the appropriate amount of clothing on and keep your face in the frame a lot. So let’s go over what She is doing right in each of her videos on the platform to help her grow.

- Not Just Any Outfits, The Right Ones
When posting on TikTok to create a thirst trap remember to wear an assortment of outfits that accentuate your body type. This does not mean posting swimsuit pictures as many people on the site have been kicked off just for that. Swimsuits could possibly expose a see through nipple (the horrors!) and get you kicked off the site. So you want to wear outfits that make sense for your body. No matter what body type you have you can always entice people with what you wear. On the popular sitcom ‘Seinfeld” there is an episode called ‘The Shoes’ where the character Elaine is told she could not entice someone because she was not ‘buxom’ enough. She proceeded to prove them wrong by wearing a modest but very revealing shirt that caused the President of NBC to eventually fall in love with her.

2. Let your clothing speak for you in your pictures
One thing that XO Electra does is let her outfit choices speak for her on her page. She has a very biker girl, bad girl, party girl vibe about her clothing that can be very appealing. As I’ve reviewed previously it’s important to seem very out of reach to those who you want to have as fans on OnlyFans. If you are not exclusive or alluring to them why would they continue to pay to see you month after month? Using your clothing to back up your lifestyle choices and image can be very easily re-enforced on your OnlyFans Page.
3. Items and Clothing that Say “They are just like me”
One area I don’t see XO Electra engage in as much as I would like to see her do is in relating in some slight ways with her potential fans. She does wear a Rolling Stones shirt in one picture but this fandom is small and unlikely to cause anyone to say. “Wow she is just like me’. When potential subs are looking at your TikTok videos as mentioned you want them to feel like you are very distant and unreachable but not entirely so. If they see something in a video like an object, a poster or a t-shirt that ties them to you via a popular fandom they will feel connected. You may look like this superstar model but deep down you also like (Star Wars, Anime, Rick and Morty etc) and you’re just like them. Don’t fail to remember that these little things will start a small bond that can grow into large amount of cash for you on your OnlyFans page.
Easy Ways to Fill up Your TikTok Page Without Needing to be clever all the Time
- Create SlideShows
One feature that gets under utilized is the SlideShow feature on Tiktok. This is a great way to constantly be filling up your page without a whole ton of effort. Have a collection of great pics of you on the beach, create a slideshow and make sure to choose a great tune and you have a post ready to go. Everyone seems to use TikTok with the hope of going viral or being seen by thousands of people instantly. In the end that rarely does much for you or your goal of getting people to your OnlyFans page. What will help is when people come to your page they see what they are used to on Instagram, an eyeful of awesome images. If you don’t know how to create a slideshow on TikTok here is a quick walk through.
- Tap on the plus sign on the main home screen to create a new video
- Hit Upload on the bottom right
- Go ahead and select the pictures you want to include in the slideshow. Keep in mind you can also make a video slideshow as well!
- You can also add effects to your slideshow including text, stickers and sound clips.
- Then Click Next to go to the Post Screen
- When you’re ready hit Post! Be sure that your Cover image as we discussed is the most appealing one possible.
2. Duet with Other Creators
Remember we want to keep the focus on your face and body as much as possible and by ‘dueting’ with another video on Tiktok it allows you to be with someone else who isn’t a ‘threat’ to your fan. You can utilize the ‘duet’ feature in a number of ways from copying the same clothing, dance moves or actions of the person you are dueting. If it is another person your possible OnlyFans subscriber will be attracted to, all the better! This also makes you seem fun and playful which are two more characteristics that people love. If you aren’t aware of how to duet on TikTok I’ll guide you through it:
- You want to click on the share button to the right of the video you want to duet with. (Note that not all video creators choose to have their videos be dueted with)
- Click on “Duet”
- You’ll now be on an editing screen that will allow you to record your video and audio of yourself with the original video
- Now you want to tap the checkmark to preview the video and hit next to go to the post screen.
- Make sure your cover image is appealing and hit Post!
3. Reacting to Other Tik Tok Videos
Another easy way to fill your TikTok Home Page is to react to other creators videos. What’s nice about this is that the video will mainly be focused on you and you honestly don’t have to think of a new topic or thrilling outfit to put on. This is just about you enjoying something and letting others watch you do it. This is likely the easiest thing you can do on TikTok, although you do want to remember your brand image. If you are trying to be the cool nerd than watching a video in line with that and snorting while you laugh would be great. If you’re putting forth the image of a bad girl biker or goth and that’s the only side your fans on OnlyFans know about you and they see you nerding out on your TikTok it could undercut the image that you are trying to portray on the site. If you don’t know how to do a reaction video I have provided the steps below.
- Technically this is also a Duet type so you’ll want to tap the Share button same as with a Duet. You’ll also need the creator to allow sharing in order for you to do this.
- Tap on Duet
- This is where things differ from a regular Duet. You want to choose ‘Layout’ on the video editing screen.
- Click on ‘React’
- Drag and Drop the original video on the screen to where you want it. You want to give yourself the most room on the screen for your Fans to see you.
- Record the audio and video of yourself alongside the original video
- Go ahead and click on the check mark to preview and hit Next to go to the post screen.
- Make sure your cover image is appealing to your Fans and hit Post!
OnlyFans TikTok Tips For Content
One thing that goes almost without saying, is that you need to be consistent about posting on Tiktok. As I mentioned previously what kind of content you create should be consistent with whatever brand image you are trying to put out to your potential fans. You don’t have to put a ton of effort into these videos as they can be more style than substance. You want to make sure you are the focus of each of the videos by preferably showing your face or clothing choices. Here are some Do’s and Don’t when it comes to the kind of content you want to post on your Tiktok Thirst Trap Profile Page.
- DO – Make sure that the “Cover” frames that you select are as fun as possible. Make sure that you are moving in some way and that the frame you choose is positive and playful. If you are smiling or laughing it is going to make people want to engage with your post more.
- DON’T – Do not ever put videos of you with a significant other in your video. If you target men for your OnlyFans don’t ever put other men in the videos and if you do make sure to keep them off the cover frame as they will be seen when someone is scrolling down your page. This includes brothers and even older male friends as well. You want to seem as available as possible and no one is going to stop and try to figure out if that is your brother with you in your video or your gay male best friend. They will just move on because you have ruined the appeal for them of the thirst trap.
- DO – Post great days and events in your life. People want to see in a thirst trap that you are an exciting and vibrant person. They want to see you living the life they wish they could but might not be able to. If you are having a great time and dressed up make sure to snap a quick video to post on your TikTok profile. Try to keep other people out of the frame if possible but let it be known by the noises in the background that you are having a great time.
- DON’T – It is best to not put a ton of words in big fonts on your video covers. Again you are not trying to sell anything here and you want potential buyers and fans to see you as clearly as possible in what turns out to be a pretty small box on your profile page. So you want to avoid words as much as possible in your videos and especially all over the cover image
- DO – Show off your outfits and take videos when you feel your best. If you have an new outfit you just bought and are trying it on to see how it fits, you might want to take a video of that. If you woke up in a great mood and decided to take a walk or head to the gym, as long as the camera is focused on you and your face or body you want to film it and post it on your OnlyFans TikTok Thirst Trap.
- DON’T – Show off items and things people who are your potential fans will have no interest in. No matter how much you love your new pair of shoes, unless you are selling feet content you don’t want to fill your TikTok feed with pictures of your new shoes, designer handbags or new fancy sunglasses. Chances are no one who wants to see you on OnlyFans will care at all about those things. Remember you are trying to build a thirst trap not a place for your friends to notice how glamorous your new purchases are.
- DON’T – Overuse Hashtags on your posts. One thing that can trigger TikTok to scrutinize your content is to post hashtags on all of your posts. Tiktok knows why people use hashtags and that is to broaden out their appeal and get noticed. So if you are doing that TikTok is going to be looking to make sure your content is not only relevant for that hashtag but also if it might go against their community guidelines in even the smallest way. If you must use a hashtag make sure it is one on point with the content and not just a very popular trending one.
- DON’T – Use the term OnlyFans in text or in the title and description of your video. TikTok is very sensitive to the term ‘OnlyFans”. Many people refer to the site as ‘Only Friends’ on TikTok or some other term that will not get you flagged. Tiktok considers OnlyFans as a word to be ‘adult content’ no matter what you are selling on the site itself. So never use the term on the site and never share your OnlyFans link in any way on the site as well.
So How do you Utilize TikTok to get more OnlyFans Subscribers?
The best way to help your OnlyFans is to build a solid TikTok profile with the intent of providing your potential fans enough eye candy on the site while not getting flagged on TikTok for abuse of their site. This can be a fine line and as I mentioned you are playing a slightly dangerous game with your account whenever you post on the platform. You are always potentially one post away from removal from Tiktok. But if you abandon a platform that can potentially gain you thousands of followers and new fans on OnlyFan you are also giving up a valuable asset. So use the above guidelines with caution and I feel you can build a successful OnlyFans TikTok Thirst Trap of your own.
If you are in need of help adding more subscribers and followers on OnlyFans you can read our Guide to OnlyFans Promotion as well as reach out to me directly @OnlyFansHero on Twitter or email [email protected].
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