The 33 Ways to Promote Your Fansly Page in 2021

Fansly Promotion – Promote Your Fansly – August 24, 2021 Reading Time: 12 Minutes
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So you decided to take the leap and try another Fan Site after having success with your OnlyFans Page? Or maybe you are brand new to Fan Sites and Fansly is your first jump into this world. Now you are asking yourself, how do I promote this page I just created when there are thousands of other people who have also jumped onto Fansly? Well luckily there are lot’s of places to promote your Fansly page right now in 2021!
I want to make a note here that as of August, 2021 there are no bans anywhere for the term ‘Fansly’ on any Social Media. For those who have been Marketing on OnlyFans for years you know what a blessing this is. My advice is going to assume that there will eventually become a stigma on the term ‘Fansly’ much like there is on ‘OnlyFans’ on places like TikTok, Instagram and SnapChat. So right now use caution when promoting your Fansly page but there is a window for at least a little while to promote your page and use the term Fansly freely. If sites clamp down on these terms obviously use caution. You can keep up to date on the latest in Fan Site Marketing on the OnlyFans Secrets Podcast which I host weekly (Listen on Apple, Listen on Spotify)
33 Ways to Promote a Fansly Page
- Fansly Promo Communities are Already Popping up on Reddit – There are even advice forums for creators already popping up as well r/FanslyAdvice and r/FanslyAdviceTips are active right now. There will also be promos starting for Fansly and I’ll be personally creating one at r/FanslyGirlss as time permits. So hop on there and start promoting.
- Update your Reddit Pinned Profile Post – Your Reddit Profile will need to be updated to include your Fansly link. Remember profiles can’t contain links so you need to post and pin a link at the top of your profile for fans to click right through to your Fansly.
- Start Posting Promos on Fansly Promos – but also include your Fansly link under the already very busy OnlyFans Promos. As of now no one has banned non OnlyFans links on these promos.
- Post an announcement to Your Reddit about your new Fansly – Don’t forget that your followers on Reddit get posts that you send out directly to your profile the same as they do any other subreddit they are subscribing to. That means you need to post a picture about your Fansly to your own Profle as well.
- Post on NSFW Reddits – OnlyFans links are banned on a lot of subreddit in their rules but not Fansly links, in the short term you should be able to join NSFW subreddits and post your Fansly link underneath If you are kicked from the subreddit point out that there was no rule against it.
- Start Following New Fansly Promos on Twitter – New Fansly promos are starting up on Twitter including two that I personally run. Fansly Promo 48K and Fansly Newbie. There will be a lot of other Fansly Promos popping up so make sure to follow them.
- Post on Fansly and OnlyFans Promos on Twitter – Again there is no one stopping you from posting whatever links you want to on Promos on Twitter. No one has the time on energy to police what links are being dropped on these promos. Twitter is not Reddit and there are no Mods. As long as you are respectful to other creators no one will block you from posting on their threads.
- Get On those Follow Trains on Twitter – It’s imperative that you continue your Marketing efforts by growing your presence on Twitter. No matter what platform you want to promote the more followers you have the better. So go ahead and keep pushing at SW follow trains and following other creators on Twitter.
- Get in Fansly Groups on Facebook and Telegram – People are open to new members as the switch over is occurring. Everyone is a newbie at this point and will be for a while which makes for a very inclusive environment. Joining creator groups and promo groups will help you get the word out about your new page.
- RT for RTs on Twitter – See another creator who has made the jump to Fansly, ask them if they’d be willing to do a Retweet for Retweet letting both your audiences know about your switch over. Don’t over use this technique as it can anger Twitter.
- Update your LinkTree, allmylinks or Beacons Page – Don’t forget that a lot of people are going to be checking these pages to see what platforms you are on. If you’ve jumped over to Fansly make sure to put that link on your page. Also if it’s the only page you expect to have ‘Sexy’ content mark it with the ‘splash’ emoji instead of OnlyFans to let everyone know.
- Update and post it on Instagram – As of right now there are no bans on Fansly links on your profile on Instagram. As I pointed out in my article on OnlyFans Instagram Promotion as long as your link doesn’t go to a page with adult material on it you can use it.
- Hashtags on Instagram – As Fansly grows more and more fans will start looking for ‘Fansly girls’ and associated hashtags on Instagram, Don’t forget to include the hashtags in your posts.
- Find other Creators on Twitter – Twitter is a great community and it is key to meet other creators to be successful there. People who are on similar fan site platforms will be sticking together more than ever. So if Fansly is your site of choice find others who have also made the jump over and help each other promote.
- Share For Shares on Fansly – Yes you can share each others pages on Fansly and as of right now there are not a lot of limits on that. Try not to spam your page with other creators banners but you should be looking to partner with others on the site right now to get your word out.
- Hashtags are Alive Again on Twitter – In the beginning of OnlyFans Twitter promos, the whole hashtagging of ‘onlyfans’ keywords was the be all end all. It was the way everyone found creators from the hashtags #onlyfansnewbie and #onlyfanspromo. Well hashtags are coming back alive again as creators let everyone know they are on the site. Of course always use hashtags sparingly as they can cause you to get a shadowban from Twitter.
- Try a Paid Promo on Twitter – It may be too early in the process to invest in Paid Promotion but I have set up a Paid promo at half off our OnlyFans Promo price for Fansly creators. You can reach out @FanslyNewbie if you’d like to run a promo for your new page for just $10.
- Remember Your Streaming Audience – Do you have a Streaming audience on Twitch or a Cam site that you’ve been directing towards your OnlyFans all this time? Don’t forget to start sending them to your Fansly and for now you can say the word out loud until any rule changes ban it.
- You Can Comment on Twitter with your new Site – Even if it’s not a promo you can still let people know about your Page by commenting under your followers posts. If these are inquiring about Fansly or OnlyFans.
- It’s New so Create a Special – With Fansly being new it’s going to be harder to drag people away from the comfort they had at being on OnlyFans. So a good way to promote the new site is to have a Special Offer. Making your Page Free or offering an exclusive video can help in making it worth it for someone to sign up to Fansly
- Bribes in the DM’s Never Hurt – Have fans who won’t make the switch to Fansly? Let them know they’ll get something special in their DM’s on the Social Channel you interact with them on just for signing up.
- Promote on OnlyFans – OnlyFans is policed as well as a middle school bathroom and there only rule is that you can’t post links that will drag you off their site. Nothing excludes you from linking your Linktree with an arrow pointing to it that says ‘Join My Fansly for $5’. I can’t think of a more appropriate place to promote where you are moving to.
- Change Your Profile Links – Don’t forget that your OnlyFans links are likely embedded all over the place in numerous profiles from sites you’ve been on. This could be camming profiles or even the most common sites you use. If you have profiles people are looking at make sure it now includes your Fansly link.
- Let Your Fans Know Directly – This could mean sending out mass DM’s, or personalized DM’s to some of your best tippers and most loyal fans over the years letting them know about the switch. It always helps to offer them something for being loyal and jumping platforms.
- TikTok – I went over how to turn your TikTok into a thirst trap for your OnlyFans with your OnlyFans page being the end of the funnel. Well the only thing now is that your Fansly can be the end of the money funnel. Just make sure to follow TikTok’s rules and if they haven’t banned the term yet start mentioning it on the platform.
- SnapChat – A lot of your fans live on your snapchat and I have advised it before as a great tool for promotion as long as you keep OnlyFans on the downlow. Now that you’ve moved to Fansly you may be able to get away with mentioning it on Snapchat but until you’re sure the term is acceptable, just make sure it appears as images and not as words in your snap stories.
- Tinder and Seeking Arrangement – Another place that will be slow to the switchover will be dating and sugar daddy sites. It will take them a while to notice the wink and nod to Fansly in your profile pages so go ahead and throw a mention in there about your page (but not a link).
- Your Blog, Video or Audio Channels – If you write a blog , create video content on channels like Youtube or have gotten into the craze of Audio Social Media make sure to let your audience know about your new page on Fansly.
- Follow Top Creators – Follow the top creators on Fansly because they will be getting a lot of comments from newbies to the website. You can then follow those pages and interact with them. Since it’s a new site people will be more likely to interact with you as they aren’t getting spammed as much daily as they were on OnlyFans.
- Discord Server – Having a Discord server is a great way to keep your fans up to date on your activities. With so many different sites it will be important for you to let them know that you are going to primarily be on Fansly from now on and that’s where they can get your most spicy content.
- Update Your Personal Site – If you currently have your own website or business and you’ve had an OnlyFans link on it, you should now update it with your Fansly link as well.
- Get Back in those OnlyFans comments – All of your biggest fans are sitting in the comment section of your OnlyFans page. Go back and comment letting them know about the switch to Fansly, they will get an alert and hopefully they’d see it. If they get enough of these they’ll see the writing on the wall and switch over.
- Send out messages on all your Instant Messengers – Whether you are on Kik, Facebook IM, Whats App, Telegram etc. you want to go ahead and announce your new page to this audience. People have to follow you back on these types of platforms so they are most likely to be interested in your new Fansly page.
As everyone is now in a transition process when it comes to finding the right Fan site, it will create a lot of promotional opportunities. When everyone is in the same boat they are more likely to be in more of a giving mood. OnlyFans created an upper echelon of British creators early on and then seemed to become more dominated by American creators. Most of the top earners on OnlyFans will likely cling onto the site for a while leaving a lot of space for smaller and medium sized creators to succeed on smaller sites like Fansly. You want to make sure to establish yourself on your platform of choice so that you can maximize this time period to succeed and get a dominant position on the site.
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